View Full Version : looking for artist

05-25-2007, 11:53 PM
occasionally we get requests for an artist location:

hello ...
i am looking for information regarding a russian artist born in 1945
by the name of dmitri shushkalov, who was a successful artist in
russia from the late 1960's-to the early 1980's. he moved to the
netherlands in the mid 1980's and then to new york city in the early
1990's and then it is rumored that he relocated to russia in the mid
to late 1990's. he was an "official" artist from the early 1970's
until his departure in the early 1980's. any information will be
helpful in my research. thank you for your time,

if you know anything about the artist please do not post here the information that can hurt him/her reputation, and make public only open business contact information.