View Full Version : not sure

05-15-2007, 09:19 AM
Hi,?.I've gotten alot of viewing but no messages ,questions,comments,or reviews just a really great chart with really great numbers.who can I talk to about what if anything am doing wrong.Thanx jahlinx -blesssup

05-19-2007, 08:33 AM
looks like this is how this scheme works. roughly you get
1000 visitors - 1 reply.
10000 visitors - 1 purchase.
with listing of artwork the numbers can be multiplied by ~10
with extremely good quality of work and low price you divide by ~10

05-19-2007, 08:46 PM
Dear jahlinx

there is nothing wrong about what you are doing. "Review/Rating" is a completely new development on the site (couple weeks old).

We keep working to improve our service and number of useful features. Direct contacts customer-to-artist have been always encouraged and message exchange was one of the first important developments on the site. Artwork rating and artwork reviews are brand new developments and we appreciate very much your feedback to improve its quality.

best regards
Support Team

05-20-2007, 01:24 PM
but-cause .understanding 1200 on one day and no one said even hi.I guess what am asking is what kind of marketing do I need to sell art work via this www.---.com.

05-20-2007, 01:31 PM
looks like this is how this scheme works. roughly you get
1000 visitors - 1 reply.
10000 visitors - 1 purchase.
with listing of artwork the numbers can be multiplied by ~10
with extremely good quality of work and low price you divide by ~10

looks like I'll try some cost based artwork just to see.sounds like you've been around the net selling or trying to sell,have you sold anything here.and if so is more because of price or you just had a really nice piece. like am trying to do it and I know I have to beat the street.but I really dont have alot of time.eyes going. oh what name is your work under .would love to view

05-20-2007, 03:07 PM
I've been around the online marketing for a while and still am not sure if I understand completely how it works (sorry have no artwork to show).

my friends sell coins online (these conversion numbers are then pessimistic), selling stuff for laptops is in greater demand appearently, so another one is quite successfull. selling art I guess should be very different, here I have collected opinions of two different camps, some say "impossible", some say "no difference what you sell", according to what I see I have to believe the second one.

sorry, I am useless for you about selling, I think it's just as always: you make a nice photo, then make a nice description, put both online, and wait. good luck.

p.s. wish someone who sold their artwork online could post here.

05-21-2007, 12:33 PM
thanx and your not useless I have sold car parts online .for me I to wish someone whos sold online would create a page.that way maybe the net would seem doable.with all i've found out with art its just another way to network. keep in touch jahlinx/blessupI've been around the online marketing for a while and still am not sure if I understand completely how it works (sorry have no artwork to show).

my friends sell coins online (these conversion numbers are then pessimistic), selling stuff for laptops is in greater demand appearently, so another one is quite successfull. selling art I guess should be very different, here I have collected opinions of two different camps, some say "impossible", some say "no difference what you sell", according to what I see I have to believe the second one.

sorry, I am useless for you about selling, I think it's just as always: you make a nice photo, then make a nice description, put both online, and wait. good luck.

p.s. wish someone who sold their artwork online could post here.

05-22-2007, 01:18 PM
Dear jahlinx

there is nothing wrong about what you are doing. "Review/Rating" is a completely new development on the site (couple weeks old).

We keep working to improve our service and number of useful features. Direct contacts customer-to-artist have been always encouraged and message exchange was one of the first important developments on the site. Artwork rating and artwork reviews are brand new developments and we appreciate very much your feedback to improve its quality.

best regards
Support Team

thanx and glad to know that but you guy sent me mail saying i had messages and reviews i've seen none,or am i just not clicking the right link.I dont Know .thanx jahlinx

05-27-2007, 10:48 AM
thanx and glad to know that but you guy sent me mail saying i had messages and reviews i've seen none,or am i just not clicking the right link.I dont Know .thanx jahlinx

if you get a "You got messages" into your email box, then u definitely got something from your visitors.
in order to check messages you should go to the section called MESSAGES
for the direct orders or to see if someone put your item into his shopping cart - ORDERS.

let me know if it still does not help

05-30-2007, 04:18 PM
looks like this is how this scheme works. roughly you get
1000 visitors - 1 reply.
10000 visitors - 1 purchase.
with listing of artwork the numbers can be multiplied by ~10
with extremely good quality of work and low price you divide by ~10

check it ou may your down for some fun ans show off a little skill,go to myspace search enter email address s.a.m.artwars@gmail.com.check it out.hope you get this in time,jahlinx blessup

05-31-2007, 04:46 PM
check it ou may your down for some fun ans show off a little skill,go to myspace search enter email address s.a.m.artwars@gmail.com.check it out.hope you get this in time,jahlinx blessup

what should one do "for some fun" ?

05-31-2007, 11:19 PM
what should one do "for some fun" ?

sorry about that it should have read.do you want to play artwars with us on myspace . the email to the page is .........s.a.m.artwars@gmail.com .sign up and join the battle. jahlinx .oh / to answer your question join artwar's sponsored by S.A.M -enjoy

11-02-2007, 03:18 AM
Best quality and low price from Xiamen Jiayi Oilpainting Co.,Ltd (http://www.youroilpainting.com), China.